Período de aulas: de 4 de outubro a 1 de dezembro
Horário: terças e quintas, das 19h às 20h30
Local: Bloco de Letras (Campus Marco Zero – Unifap)
Registrations are open for the classroom course “PORTUGUESE FOR BEGINNERS”, addressed to non-native Portuguese speakers only.
The course is free and is linked to the Centro de Línguas da Unifap.
should be made exclusively using this form:…/1FAIpQLSeH5wyflJLE-4pA2d…/viewform
Registration deadline: September, 30th.
Classes period: From Oct. 4th to Dec. 1st.
Timetable: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Place: Bloco de Letras (Marco Zero Campus – Unifap)
More information: