The Program
The Postgraduate Master’s Program in Regional Development (PPGMDR) was created in 2006, being the first in the area of applied social sciences in Amapá. The Program contributed to the expansion of graduate studies in the State, training several professors who are now at the forefront of other graduate courses, as well as technicians, researchers and professionals who are protagonists in the debate on the development of the Amazon and Amapá.
In the 2023-2027 Strategic Planning process, it was proposed to change the name of the Program, in order to encourage greater political and social insertion, converging on the sustainability of the Amazon as a transversal theme to teaching, research and extension. On April 13, 2023, CAPES approved the name change to the Graduate Program in Sustainable Amazon Development (PPGDAS).
Our vision is to be a reference program in promoting sustainable regional development in the Amazon.
Train qualified professionals, produce and disseminate knowledge and value regional knowledge for the sustainable development of the Amazon.
Student target audience
Graduates in several areas of knowledge, preferably in the areas of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences.
Assessment areas
Urban and Regional Planning/Demography, focusing on studies that contribute to making visible the multitude of perceptions about the development of the Amazon and Amapá.
Research lines
– Socioeconomic Development and Planning: accept studies that contribute to the understanding of the processes of planning and socioeconomic occupation of the Amazon and Amapá.
– Environment and Planning: encourages the production of knowledge on political ecology, environmental planning and resilient territories/protected areas.
Academic Division
Academic Secretary
Postgraduate Coordinatora: Profa. Dra. Marília Gabriela Lobato
Vice Postgraduate Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Patrícia Helena Turola Takamatsu
Executive Assistant:
Scholarship student: Héliton Marques de Sousa
Get in touch with the Academic Division of PPGDAS through the E-mail
Address: PPGDAS - Unifap
Block K - Marco Zero Campus
Federal University of Amapá
Rod. Josmar Chaves Pinto, km 02 - Jardim Marco Zero
Macapá - Amapá - Brazil